3 Causes of Car Accidents and How You Can Prevent Them

More than 90 percent of all motor vehicle accidents are the result of human error. That sobering statistic from the National Safety Council is a reminder of the role that everyone plays in creating safer roads.

Boulder attorney Christopher Jeffress has compiled some of the most common causes of car crashes in the United States. Read on to find out what they are and what you can do to avoid them.

  1. Distracted Driving. As the leading cause of car accidents for decades, distracted driving is a huge problem. Thousands of people die in cell phone distracted driving collisions every year. And cell phone use is not the only issue; you should avoid eating, applying makeup, or doing anything else that takes your attention off the road.
  2. Drunk Driving. Far too many drivers get behind the wheel when they are at or over the legal blood-alcohol limit. In fact, just one drink can impact visual function, motor skills, and mental judgment. Before you drink, plan to ride with a designated driver, contact a ride share service, or stay overnight at a friend’s place.
  3. Speeding. There is no doubt that speeding is dangerous. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 9,378 speeding-related deaths occurred in 2018. Speeding comes with a greater potential to lose control of your vehicle and an increased degree of crash severity.Speed limits are in place to protect everyone. Keep a level head behind the wheel, and do not drive aggressively because you are running late or got stuck in traffic.

Injured in a Boulder Car Accident?

You should always be careful behind the wheel; however, there is no guarantee that other drivers will do the same. If you were hurt in an accident caused by someone else’s reckless behavior, the law is on your side. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, time away from work, and other damages.

Christopher Jeffress has over twenty-five years of experience. He will put it to work representing you and helping you stand up to insurance companies.

Call 303.993.8685 today to schedule your free case review. Jeffress Law serves clients in Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield, and surrounding areas of Colorado.


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