ATV & Sport Utility Vehicle Accidents Lawyer in Boulder, CO

Injury Lawyer Serving Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield & Surrounding Areas in Colorado

When you’re out and about in Colorado, enjoying the great outdoors, there is nothing better than feeling the exhilaration and speed created by an all terrain vehicle (ATV) or some other off-highway vehicle. Unfortunately, just as when you’re sharing the roads with other vehicles, off-highway vehicles have to be operated correctly in order to avoid horrible accidents and injuries.

Why Choose Jeffress Law

If you or a family member has been the victim of an ATV or off-highway vehicle accident and you believe it was caused by negligence by the other party, please contact Christopher W. Jeffress of Jeffress Law today.

ATV & Sport Utility Vehicle Accidents Lawyer Boulder CO

Our attorney is based in Boulder and is active in our Colorado outdoors, so he understands exactly how accidents like this can occur and how to go about seeking compensation for you and your suffering.

For help with your ATV accident case, please contact us today by calling 303-993-8685.

Causes for ATV & Off-Highway Vehicle Accidents

When you’re enjoying yourself aboard an ATV or another off-highway vehicle, like a snowmobile, dune buggy, or dirt bike, there are still regulations that you are expected to obey. Oftentimes, these regulations are set by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife organization and they apply to the areas that you are allowed to ride ATVs and off-highway vehicles. Some of these regulations include locations you’re allowed to run your off-highway vehicle, speed limits and following distances you must obey, and that you must operate your vehicle in a sound state of mind.

Unfortunately, there are many people that operate their ATVs or off-highway vehicles while under the influence of alcohol of other substances. There are also multiple causes for off-highway vehicle accidents, including the following:

  • Following too closely
  • Disobeying the speed limits
  • Straying from designated paths
  • Lack of control or understanding of their off-highway vehicle
  • Failure to properly merge, resulting in an accident

ATV Accident Injuries

Being involved in an ATV or off-highway vehicle accident can result in terrible injuries that may leave you and your family reeling. These can include any or all of the following:

Receive Compensation You're Entitled To

When you’re struggling with horrible injuries and believe they were caused because you were hit by another that wasn’t properly operating their ATV or off-highway vehicle, there are options for your compensation. Our attorney can help you contact insurance companies and seek financial restitution for your suffering. This compensation can help you to pay for past, present and future medical bills, insurance claims, property damages, and rehabilitation.

How Common Are ATV Off-Roading Accidents?

Thousands of people are injured and hundreds are killed annually in ATV accidents. Studies have found around 135,000 injury-related ATV accidents and 400 fatal ATV accidents occur yearly in the United States.

How Often Do ATV Off-Roading Accidents Result in Fatalities?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that in the 35 years between 1982 and 2017, 15,250 people died in ATV accidents. That’s an average of 435 deaths each year from these accidents.

Are ATV Off-Roading Accidents Frequently the Result of Intoxication?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nearly 40 percent of ATV operators involved in a fatal accident were intoxicated. This compared to around 23 percent of the drivers of cars.

Intoxication includes legal substances in Colorado, such as alcohol and marijuana, along with illicit drugs such as methamphetamines.

How Is Negligence Determined When There Are No Witnesses?

There are still ways to determine who is at fault when there are no witnesses to an ATV accident. These include statements from those involved and any police or emergency service reports filed at the time. However, an investigation is typically required to fully establish where fault should lie.

At Jeffress Law, our lawyers work with experts in various fields to investigate ATV accidents and determine who is at fault. We utilize all available information from the accident and what we uncover during the investigative process to build strong cases. We can discuss this process with you in greater detail during your free initial consultation.

How is Fault Determined When a Minor Is Driving the Vehicle?

Fault in an ATV accident is established through an investigation. Even in cases that seem straightforward, an investigation is needed to rule out vehicle failure, roadway dangers, and other issues that can contribute to an accident.

In Colorado, when a minor is found responsible for an ATV accident, the parents may be accountable for all related damages.

A driver needs only be 10 years old to operate an ATV on public lands in Colorado. There is no lower age limit for ATV drivers on private property. However, drivers between the ages of 10 and 16 must be accompanied by an adult or have a valid driver’s license to operate an ATV on public roadways or lands. In addition, training, supervision, and modeling are necessary to help younger drivers remain safe while off-roading.

Contact Our Injury Lawyer for Help

If you need help to prove negligence was involved in your accident and are seeking recompense, please contact Jeffress Law today. Our attorney will help get you the care you deserve and get you’re the retribution that is rightly yours. We offer free case reviews and operate on a contingency-fee basis, meaning you won’t pay a dime unless we win a cash award or settlement for you. Please contact us today by filling out the contact form on this page or calling 303-993-8685. We are proud to serve clients in Boulder, Broomfield, Longmont, and the surrounding Metro Area.


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