Car Accident Lawyer in Boulder, CO

Injury Lawyer Serving Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield & Surrounding Areas in Colorado

Getting in a car crash is an overwhelming experience. It can be isolating and traumatic as well. At Jeffress Law in Boulder, Colorado, Christopher Jeffress provides first-rate legal services and individualized attention. Our approach starts with putting you first: Mr. Jeffress handles your claim personally, from start to finish. To arrange a free case review, please call us at 303-993-8685.

Car Accident Lawyer Boulder CO

As a Boulder car accident lawyer who started his career representing insurance companies, Mr. Jeffress has unique insight into how these companies function and how they handle claims filed by accident victims.

Human Error is the Leading Cause of Car Accidents

Over 90 percent of crashes can be traced back to human error, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Put another way, human error is the primary reason accidents occur. Most accidents can be prevented – by putting away the phone, slowing down or opting for a rideshare after having a couple drinks, for example.

Almost 18,000 people died in accidents in the first six months of 2016, which was a significant increase of 10.4 percent compared to the same time period the year before. While it is true that there are more people driving, and driving more often, the fact remains that many crashes are caused by preventable driver errors.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a serious problem across the country. The National Safety Council reports that one in four auto accidents is caused by cellphone use nationwide, and cellphones are far from the only form of distraction.

Auto Accident Attorney Boulder CO

If you or someone you love has been injured by a distracted driver in Colorado, then Boulder auto accident lawyer Christopher Jeffress can help. With over 25 years of experience and a complete dedication to getting justice for our clients, Mr. Jeffress is ready to take your case and fight for the total compensation you deserve.

A driving distraction is anything that takes your eyes, hands and/or mind away from the task of driving. Some of the most common types of distraction are:

  • Cellphone use including talking, texting and browsing the internet
  • Programming or adjusting onboard electronics, including GPS and entertainment systems
  • Eating or drinking
  • Personal grooming, such as applying makeup and brushing hair
  • Turning to talk to a passenger
  • Rubbernecking, reading billboards or taking in peripheral scenery
  • Reading a map, book, magazine or newspaper

Anything taking your concentration away from driving will increase your risk for getting in an accident. When this behavior results in serious injury or death, it is the right of victims and their families to hold the responsible party accountable and seek compensation for all related damages.

Distracted Driving and the Law

As of the publication of this page (May 2017), the following laws apply in Colorado:

  • Persons under 18 shall not use a wireless telephone while driving
  • Persons age 18 and older shall not use a wireless telephone for the purpose of texting or similar forms of manual data entry while driving

Boulder auto accident lawyer Mr. Jeffress understands how difficult it can be to understand your legal options following serious injury and is here to help you understand which Colorado statutes apply in your case.

Auto Accident Attorney Fort Collins CO

Drunk Driving

When you venture out on the road, you are hoping and expecting that those you are sharing the road with will be driving safely and obeying all laws and regulations. Unfortunately, many drivers choose not to obey the law and may decide to drive even though they are under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

An accident caused by an impaired driver can often lead to horrible injuries for the person that was hit. Our Boulder car accident attorney has had experience helping injured residents seek compensation.

We will help seek damages against the driver that caused your suffering. We can help you recover compensation not only for your injuries and any damage to your vehicle, but also for your medical bills, insurance claims and any liens that developed during your case. Additionally, our Boudler car accident attorney has experience helping clients when the unthinkable happens and a drunk-driving accident leads to a wrongful death case.

Why Choose Our Boulder Car Accident Lawyer for Help with Your DUI Case?

Our attorney, Mr. Jeffress, prides himself on being personally involved with every single client. Each and every case is different, so Mr. Jeffress never approaches two cases in the same way. He will learn how your injuries have affected you and your family emotionally, physically and financially, and will work to get you coverage for all of those issues. Additionally, in a drunk driving case, Mr. Jeffress may be able to seek punitive damages to further bring the guilty party to justice.

Car Accident Lawyer Fort Collins CO

Speeding in Boulder, CO

For the past two decades, speeding has been a factor in one-third of all motor vehicle-related deaths, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In 2014, the NHTSA reports 9,262 people were killed in accidents involving high speeds.

Most of us have busy schedules to keep, places to be and things to do. While speeding may seem a tempting way to make up time, in the end it is a substantially dangerous behavior that endangers your life and the lives of others.

Although speeding may feel harmless, here are the main ways it is exceptionally dangerous:

  • You have less time to react after perceiving a danger or hazard
  • It takes longer to slow and come to a stop when you are speeding
  • Loss of vehicle control is more likely when you're speeding
  • If a crash occurs, high speeds make the crash and impact more severe

Drivers who speed greatly increase the risk of deadly accidents, as well as accidents resulting in severe injuries.

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is a widespread problem. The NHTSA reports 846 fatalities caused by drowsy driving-related crashes in 2014; however, it is difficult to identify driver fatigue in a crash investigation, and some estimates place the number of related deaths at 5,000-8,000, as well as many thousands of serious injuries. The NHTSA estimates 83,000 crashes have involved drowsy driving as a factor from 2005 to 2009.

The late afternoon, as well as the hours from midnight to 6 a.m., are generally the most risky for drowsiness. At these times, there is a natural drop in your body's circadian rhythm, which causes you to feel sleepy.

Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Claims

If you've been involved in any type of a car crash in Boulder or a nearby area, you may be wondering what your options include. You may be scared about the damage to your vehicle and possible injuries that you and your family have sustained. These fears can only be multiplied if you were hit by a person that doesn't have significant insurance, has no insurance or flees the scene of the accident so you don't know who was involved in your accident.

In these cases, the silver lining is that there are ways to file claims against your own insurance if the other motorist involved is underinsured or uninsured. Christopher W. Jeffress can help you determine how to file your claim and seek the maximum payout from your insurance company.

Colorado Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Laws

In the state of Colorado, insurance companies require insured drivers to have a minimum level of coverage. However, many drivers ignore this and never seek insurance, hoping that they'll beat the system and never get in an accident. Other drivers fail to pay their insurance premiums and lose their coverage or simply allow their insurance to lapse. Because of this, there are multitudes of Colorado drivers that do not have minimal insurance, if any.

However, our Boulder car accident lawyer wants to assure you that, if you have car insurance and the negligent party that caused your accident and injuries does not, you should still be covered. In Colorado, all active car insurance policies are required to offer uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This coverage helps to cover both property damage and bodily harm that has occurred from your accident.

If you've been involved in an accident and the negligent party doesn't have significant insurance or has no insurance at all, our car accident attorney can help you file a claim against your own insurance for coverage and do the following to help get you coverage:

  • Obtain police reports and investigative reports (when necessary) to determine who was at fault for your accident
  • Communicate with the opposing insurance company and your insurance company to get you the maximum available compensation
  • Help you seek the proper repairs for your vehicle and medical care for yourself and your family
  • Ensure that your insurance premiums will not increase because you're making a claim against the uninsured/underinsured motorist portion of your policy

Our injury lawyer, Mr. Jeffress, has 25 years of experience handling accident claims. Not only that, but Mr. Jeffress used to represent insurance companies, so he has inside knowledge to help him understand how insurance claims are investigated and handled.

What to Do If You Are in a Car Accident near Boulder

Here are some tips:

  • Contact the police: It is always a smart idea to have the police on scene in order to help take reports, determine who was at fault, and to keep everyone involved safe.
  • Gather information: Exchange information with everyone that was involved in the accident, take pictures and gather statements from witnesses.
  • Don't admit fault: Fault has to be determined by the police, insurance companies and the courts, so admitting fault simply causes you to appear guilty. Even if you believe you were at fault, simply keep it to yourself.
  • Seek medical attention: Even if you believe that you and your family are not injured, some injuries take several days to show symptoms. Therefore, always visit a medical professional for evaluation and treatment.
  • Contact our attorney: Reach out for help from our attorney and we will interface with your insurance company for you. We know how to interact with insurance companies to keep them from getting you to agree to something detrimental or to admit wrongdoing.
Auto Accident Lawyer Boulder CO

Boulder auto accident lawyer Mr. Jeffress can help you decide what to do next. Your case review is free and involves no obligation. He has decades of experience with issues related to accidents. He can help you with accident cases involving other motorists, professional and commercial drivers, and those involving Uber and Lyft, which have grown rapidly in our innovative city.

Potential Compensation for Car Accident Injuries

If your car crash was the result of someone else's negligence and carelessness, you deserve maximum compensation for the consequences, such as:

  • Medical care
  • Loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
Car Accident attorney Fort Collins CO

Mr. Jeffress will fight tirelessly in pursuit of compensation on your behalf. While we cannot guarantee any outcome, we can guarantee that we will not back down until the best possible results have been achieved. Mr. Jeffress has achieved numerous successful verdicts and settlements during his career representing car accident injury victims.

Schedule Your FREE Consultation With A Car Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in Boulder, Colorado, or any of the surrounding areas, act now to learn more about your options. To arrange your free case review, please call us at 303-993-8685 or click here to send us an Appointment Request Form. While evidence and memory is still fresh, we can help you decide if you want to pursue compensation for your injuries and losses. Get directions to our Boulder area law office from Google Maps!


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