Drug Injury Lawyer in Boulder, CO

Injury Lawyer Serving Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield & Surrounding Areas in Colorado

Prescription drugs are designed to alleviate symptoms and improve your suffering when you're sick or are recovering from surgery. Unfortunately, there are far too many prescription medications that have been found to cause more harm than they accomplish good.

Drug Injury Lawyer Boulder CO

When prescription drugs are not properly manufactured, tested, or prescribed, they can cause personal injury, horrible suffering, and even death.

This is why our attorney, Christopher W. Jeffress, takes these cases extremely seriously and understands how important it is to get you help with your case. Contact Jeffress Law today for a free case review so our attorney can let you know how he can help you and your family. Call us at 303-993-8685.

Reasons Prescription Drugs Have Negative Effects

Even when a prescription has been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), there may be problems with that drug. These problems may be because testing wasn't sufficient enough to actually show how the drug would react in all situations. It could also be due to a rushed formula while the drug was being mass-produced or because of a lack of information in the label.

Drugs can also cause horrible side-effects if they weren't properly prescribed and the person receiving them has drugs that will negatively interact with the aforementioned prescribed drug. Whatever the cause, drugs can cause horrible injury, bleeding, organ damage, and even wrongful death.

Side Effects of Consuming Dangerous Drugs

Taking a dangerous drug can turn your life upside down. You may experience its negative effects on everything from your health to your personal life and even your career.

Some pharmaceutical drugs have been linked to an increased risk of:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver damage
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Bleeding
  • Joint inflammation
  • Vision loss
  • Birth defects
  • Other serious complications

Meanwhile, some medications have been connected to serious and sometimes life-threatening mood disorders. People have experienced depression and suicidal behavior as a result of taking certain dangerous drugs.

A serious injury or mood disorder can hurt your quality of life. You may be unable to make a living, participate in your favorite activities, or maintain your interpersonal relationships.

What are some types of Dangerous Drugs?

Our attorney has had over 20 years of experience representing those that were injured due to prescription drugs and can use this to help you and your family as well. Mr. Jeffress even spent nearly seven years of his career representing those that were injured by the diet drug Fen-Phen. He understands how to navigate these difficult types of cases and can even help you join class-action lawsuits if that's the best course of action for you.

Mr. Jeffress has experience with the following types of dangerous drugs:

  • Fen-Phen
  • Accutane
  • Adderall
  • Celebrex
  • Cialis
  • Cylert
  • Crestor
  • Fosamax
  • Heparin
  • Ketek
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Birth control medications
  • Paxil
  • Oxycontin
  • Tylenol
  • Viagra
Drug Injury Attorney Boulder CO

In addition to these drugs, Mr. Jeffress is familiar with the other drug recalls or cases where one gets injured by the prescription drug they were prescribed. He can help you seek compensation for your suffering and ensure that you have coverage in order to properly recover.

Who Can Be Held Liable For a Dangerous Drug Injury?

Dangerous drug injury lawsuits can involve several potentially liable parties. Anyone in the chain of distribution could be responsible.

Depending on the details of your particular case, you may have a claim against a:

  • Drug manufacturer
  • Commercial seller or distributor
  • Prescribing physician
  • Testing laboratory
  • Pharmacist
  • Hospital or clinic
  • Pharmaceutical sales representative

How to collect evidence for a dangerous drug case

Several pieces of evidence are needed to support a successful dangerous drug case. You may be able to utilize things such as notes, test results, consultation records, evaluations, and printed drug instructions or warnings.

It is also helpful to keep a record of your expenses related to your injury. In addition, try to write about how the dangerous drug has negatively affected your life. Contact our attorney for more guidance regarding what evidence you might need for your case.

How a Dangerous Drug Lawyer Could Help an Injured Plaintiff

Going up against powerful pharmaceutical companies is no small feat. Injured plaintiffs need an experienced dangerous drug lawyer on their side to fight for them. Our attorney can discuss your options and protect your right to a legal remedy. He may also help:

Drug Injury Attorney Fort Collins CO
  • File a product liability or wrongful death
  • lawsuit
  • Join a class-action lawsuit
  • Determine your damages
  • Secure evidence of your losses
  • Advise you during the negotiation and
  • settlement process
  • Make you aware of important deadlines

What are some of the Medical Costs of Dangerous Drug Injuries?

Dangerous drug injuries can result in the need for short or long-term medical care. It is not uncommon for injured individuals to face exorbitant out-of-pocket medical costs for:

  • Hospital bills
  • Surgery costs
  • Mobility and transportation equipment
  • Home or facility-based care expenses
  • Family physician or doctor bills
  • Laboratory fees
  • Pain management treatment
  • Physical therapy
  • Cost of prescription medication
  • A successful lawsuit will award you
  • compensation for these expenses.
  • Sometimes, it is the only way to secure
  • your financial freedom amidst a growing
  • stack of bills and a potentially limited earning capacity.

Schedule A Consultation Today

For help with your defective product case, please contact Jeffress Law today by putting your information in the contact form on this page or by calling 303-993-8685. We proudly serve clients in Longmont, Boulder, Broomfield, and the surrounding Metro Areas. Call us today for a free case review, and don't forget that we operate on a contingency-fee basis.


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