Tips To Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

motorcycle accidents Owning a motorcycle can be a fun and exciting experience, but it also comes with risks. The National Safety Council found that motorcyclists accounted for 14 percent of traffic deaths even though they only make up 3 percent of all registered vehicles. That’s why it’s important not only for motorists to be aware of motorcycles but also for motorcyclists to be aware of their surroundings as well. Following these tips can help you to avoid a motorcycle accident and injury.

#1: Wear a Helmet

It is not required by law for motorcyclists to wear a helmet in Colorado. However, wearing a helmet is important to ensure your safety in case of an accident. In fact, the CDC has reported that wearing a helmet could reduce the likelihood of a head injury by 69 percent in the event of an accident. Preferably, opt for a helmet that is approved by the Department of Transportation. And remember that any passengers or motorcyclists under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet according to Colorado law.

#2: Avoid Poor Weather

Avoid driving in poor weather conditions, such as snow or rain, if possible. This makes you more likely to lose control on the road and reduces visibility, making it harder for other motorists to see you. If you do have to ride in the rain, wear special rain gear and ensure your bike is visible.

#3: Be Aware of Intersections

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that nearly 42 percent of motorcycle accidents occur in intersections when a vehicle is turning left. This could be due to the lack of visibility and motorists who are making a left turn and misjudge their speed or do not see a motorcycle at all. Approach intersections cautiously and ensure a vehicle is at a full stop before proceeding through the intersection.

#4: Increase Visibility

It has been said a few times, but a common cause of motorcycle accidents is a lack of visibility. If possible, opt for bright-colored clothing or reflective elements on your bike. You may even consider honking if you do not think a motorist can see you.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Boulder, Fort Collins, Longmont, or Loveland, CO, Jeffress Law, PC, can ensure you get the settlement you deserve. Contact the office today at (303) 993-8685 or send in an online contact form.


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