3 Ways To Prove That a Car Accident Caused Your Back Injury

Back injuries are among the top car accident injuries. Individuals who hurt their backs in crashes tend to think the insurance company will pay for their medical bills and other damages. Unfortunately, they are often surprised when it turns into an uphill battle for fair compensation.

Insurance companies will do whatever they can to avoid being held responsible for costly back injuries. You may be all too familiar with this unfortunate situation. Maybe you were told that your back injuries happened after the fact or a pre-existing condition is to blame for your pain.

The good news is that you can take steps to help achieve a successful resolution of your claim. Here are three ways to prove that a car accident caused your back injury or made it get worse:

  1. Seek immediate medical attention: It is crucial to get a thorough medical exam after a car accident, even if you feel okay or suspect that your pain will go away on its own. If you wait too long to get treatment, you will have a much harder time arguing your case.

  2. Hire a skilled personal injury lawyer: Our personal injury lawyers can help prove that your injuries were a direct result of the car accident. We may be able to use your past medical records to support your claim. We can also file a lawsuit if necessary.

  3. Bring in an expert medical witness: Our attorneys often reach out to expert medical witnesses. These doctors can confirm what your doctors are saying about your injuries and how they were caused or made worse by the car accident.

Get Free Help From a Boulder Back Injury Lawyer

Christopher W. Jeffress used to represent insurance companies defending against personal injury claims. He then realized that it was the accident victims who needed his legal help. Knowing the tricks and tactics that insurance companies use to minimize accident claims, Mr. Jeffress uses that knowledge to help you fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Call 303-993-8685 to schedule a free case evaluation at Jeffress Law. Our attorneys proudly serve injured clients from Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield, and other communities in Colorado.


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