Injury Lawyer Serving Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield & Surrounding Areas in Colorado
In 2008, the National Safety Council (NSC) predicted 439 people would die in traffic accidents over Labor Day weekend. This year, the NSC predicts 438 people will lose their lives in traffic accidents between September 2nd and 5th – the highest number since 2008. This increase follows an upsetting trend that has seen fatal car accidents increase yearly since 2012. This year is on pace to set records, already seeing a 9% increase over fatal traffic accidents from the same time in 2015.
Avoiding an Accident This Labor Day Weekend
In addition to avoiding distraction, you can help prevent causing accidents by following the courteous driving behaviors discussed earlier on our blog such as using signals, allowing a gap between cars, and taking your time to get to your destination. Safe driving can help protect you and those you love from injury while also helping ensure you do not harm anyone with whom you share the road.
If you are injured while traveling this Labor Day weekend in Colorado, please contact Jeffress Law online or by calling 303.993.8685 to schedule a free consultation at our Boulder office.