Why do Car Accidents Spike during the Thanksgiving Holiday?

Injury Lawyer Serving Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield & Surrounding Areas in Colorado


Millions of Americans hit the road over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, which extends from the Wednesday before through midnight of the Sunday following. Unfortunately, many agencies predict several thousand people will die in car accidents during this time period, which is higher than normal. In fact, Thanksgiving proves to be one of the deadliest holiday periods because of car accidents.

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Thanksgiving Auto Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

  • Crashes and crash fatalities increase over the Thanksgiving holiday
  • 528 people were killed in accidents in the U.S. over November 22-27, 2017
  • About half of the people who died that year weren’t wearing seat belts
  • From 2012 to 2016, 800 people died in alcohol-impaired auto accidents over the Thanksgiving holiday (Wednesday to Monday)

A variety of factors contribute to the spike in car crashes. First, there are simply a large number of vehicles on the road. Greater automobile volume means a higher number of wrecks. Second, people are out celebrating at bars, and the risk of encountering a drunk driver goes up (especially on the Wednesday night prior to Thanksgiving Day). Also, people who are feeling pressure to make their destinations on time may be more likely to speed and drive recklessly. It also gets darker earlier in the evening this time of year, contributing to poor visibility.

What You Can Do To Prevent A Crash

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The most effective way to avoid a car accident may be to stay home! Let’s face it though: Thanksgiving is a time to be with family and friends, and that often means driving to be with them, sometimes long distances. You can lower your risk of a car accident by being conscientious about the common causes:

  • Speeding
  • Texting while driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Drugged driving
  • Driver inattention
  • Distractions
  • Fatigue
  • Poor vehicle maintenance

Here are a few ways to stay safer on the roads, at any time and on Thanksgiving:

  • Complete needed routine maintenance for your car
  • Top off window washer fluid
  • Make sure the wiper blades work effectively – replace if worn
  • If possible, rotate drivers on long-distance road trips
  • Get plenty of rest before your travel day
  • Take breaks to get out of the vehicle and stretch
  • Don’t drive distracted! Put your phone away and ask passengers to be conscientious of your need to concentrate on driving
  • Don’t drive after drinking – volunteer as sober driver, or take public transportation, a taxi, an Uber or a Lyft

With a little care and caution, you can keep you and your passengers safe as you travel to Thanksgiving this year.

Call Boulder CO Attorney Chris Jeffress for a Complimentary Consultation

If you’ve been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, then you deserve full, fair and complete compensation for your damages. An experienced and compassionate attorney, Chris Jeffress fights passionately for his clients. He offers a complimentary consultation so you can find out what your options are. Please call him in Boulder, Colorado, at 303.993.8685.


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